By Harry Edwards
Published by The Healer Publishing Company, 1982
Hardback with dustwrapper, excellent reading copy
The name of Harry edwards was synonymous with spiritual healing for nealy 40 years, during which time he brough relief to countless thousands of people all over the world suffering from every known physical and mental sickness. He publically demonstrated his wonderful gift of healing in every major city and town throughout Britain and in many countries abroad, performing what the press often termed 'miracles of healing'.
In this book, Harry Edwards drew upon his vast healing experience and his unparalleled knowledge of spirit science to explain how spiritual healing is accomplished and how those who have deep inner yearning to help the sick can develop their own healing potential.
Not only is this book of inestimable value to the beginner, but becuase it embraces concepts of advanced healing knowledge acquired from Spirit so the experienced spiritual healer will also find it a book of tremendous scope and which he will no doubt refer to again and again.
Many practising healers will recall the Healing Study Courses which Harry Edwards prepared specially for members of The National Federation of Spiritual Healers, and these courses are contained in this volume, which in itself is an extended and revised edition of his earlier book 'A guide to spirit healing' which ran to 13 impressions and was considered to be the leading textbook for healers.
The spirtual healer today is fortunate inj having had Harry Edwards as a contemporary whose storehouse of healing knowledge and practical technique has been made available to him in this book. To the spiritual healer of the future it will surely prove to be the leading work of its kind for years to come and the finset legacy which the world's greatest spirtual healer could have bestowed.