By Gordon Michael-Scallion
Published by Matrix Institute Inc, 1997
Paperback, 342 pages, clean reading copy
In Notes from the Cosmos, Gordon-Michael Scallion relates an engaging autobiographical tale of his transformation from electronics consultant to intuitive futurist. Once his psi powers become full-blown, he shares information and visions that come through from his "higher self." Much like Jane Roberts's groundbreaking Nature of Personal Reality, Scallion describes the architecture of the universe--time, space, consciousness, extra-historical facts about the human race, life on Mars, etc. Parascientific explanations on the psychic properties of gem stones and color are particularly fascinating. While many of his global predictions are either too vague (e.g., water is to be of prime importance), too far in advance (predicting an earthquake in L.A. at no particular time and then claiming when one occurs a year later it's the one predicted), too far-fetched (the U.S. becomes 13 colonies by 2012), or too obvious (predicting an earthquake in L.A. in which freeways collapse) to be particularly credible, there is a storehouse of insight and knowledge here that the silly predictions don't dispel. --P. Randall Cohan